Center for Applied Learning and
Leadership Education & Development
Ministers Training Program
Program Summary, Goals, and Costs
The Minister’s Training Program is a one-year curriculum designed to equip students for ministry. It consists of 12 modules on practical topics to prepare the minister for service to the congregation and community. The student should be able to complete each module in a month by utilizing 2-3 hours each week watching the instructional videos, reading the designated materials, and completing the assigned projects. Each module also requires discussion with the pastor or mentor.
Participants in the program come from diverse backgrounds. Some are just entering the ministry, while others may have been preaching for some time. Some are young. Others are seasoned. Whether a participant has experience with post-secondary education or has never taken a college class, every student in the program will find the modules applicable for his or her ministry.
The goals of the Minister’s Training Program are:
To enhance the student’s understanding of the call of God
To prepare the student for public ministry
To provide practical instruction in the role of ministry
To facilitate a mentoring relationship for the student
To encourage the pursuit of excellence in ministry
The cost of the program is $100 per student and scholarships or financial assistance may be available through a local church, district, or through the National Christian Education Department. Students who finish the program will be recognized with a certificate of completion at the Church of God Mountain Assembly General Assembly.

Required Courses
Below are the course descriptions of the 12 monthly modules

01 - Spiritual Disciplines
In this superficial world, there is a need for authentic ministers who nurture their relationship with Christ daily. The purpose of this module is to acquaint the student with the necessary spiritual disciplines for a minister of Jesus Christ. Participants should come away from this experience with a greater appreciation for their daily walk with Jesus and how it effects their ministry.

02 - Bible Study Methods
One’s spiritual growth is dependent upon reading, understanding, and applying the holy scripture. For the minister, the bible is the chief tool for spiritual service. The purpose of this module is to acquaint the student with various approaches to the systematic study of the bible.

03 - Sermon Preparation & Delivery
How shall they hear without a preacher? Preparing compelling biblically sound messages is critical to kingdom growth. The purpose of this module is to provide insights into the process of preaching from the formation of a message to its delivery. Every minister will have a unique method of preparation and no two ministers will preach the same. This module will offer some guiding principles to enhance planning and make sermon delivery more effective.

04 - Scriptural Leadership
Ministers of the Gospel are leaders in the Christian community of faith, and the scripture has much to say about leadership. The purpose of this module is to acquaint the minister with various aspects of Spiritual Leadership necessary to serve as a minister of Jesus Christ. Participants should come away from this experience with a good grip on several leadership principles from the Bible and specifically the life of Christ.

05 - Supporting Leaders
Before Elisha was ready to assume the role of national prophet in Israel, he first “poured water on the hands” of Elijah. Learning to lead requires learning to follow. The purpose of this module is to acquaint the minister with biblical principles of pastoral / leadership support. An associate minister plays a vital role in the church. Sowing seeds of faithfulness will reap a harvest of loyalty in due season.

06 - Ministerial Ethics
The Man of God represents the Holy One Who has called him and must walk with veracity in every area of his life. Character and integrity legitimize a person’s ministry. The purpose of this module is to acquaint the participant with ministerial ethics. The practical instruction intends to guide the student into ethical behavior in various aspects of the personal and private life.

07 - Conflict Resolution
Interaction with imperfect humans will result inevitably in disagreement and dispute. Even the Apostle Paul encountered personal conflict in ministry. The purpose of this module is to acquaint the minister with the various approaches to Conflict Resolution. Through this month’s program we will learn several Biblical principles of the “Ministry of Reconciliation” and of “Peacemaking.” Jesus directly addresses this subject, and we will learn what steps to follow when we find ourselves amid conflict, or if we must mediate a difficult situation.

08 - Spiritual Health - Church and Pastor
The Church is the Body of Christ, and His body should be healthy. Healthy congregations need spiritually healthy leaders. The purpose of this module is to show us some of the necessities to have a healthy church and to be a healthy pastor. This is a broad topic, and this module makes no attempt to exhaust the subject. Instead, some significant principles are offered to guide the church and leadership to spiritual health.

09 - Administering the Ordinances
One of the critical functions of the minister is the administration of the ordinances of the church. Ministers are called to baptize believers and to serve the Lord’s table with holy communion. The purpose of this module is to acquaint the minister with the meaning of the sacraments and offer practical assistance with method of their performance.

10 - Solemnizing Marriages
When Paul sought a metaphor to describe the mystic union between Christ and the Church, he chose marriage. This sacred institution was established in the beginning of creation and has been under spiritual attack ever since. Because of its spiritual significance, ministers are called upon to solemnize the marriage covenant. The purpose of this module is to underscore the sanctity of this responsibility and offer advice on preparing and performing marriage ceremonies.

11 - Visitation Ministry
“I was sick and in prison and you came to me.” Care for the infirmed and concern for the interned are at the heart of Christ’s call to service. The purpose of this module is to emphasize the need for ministries of compassion and offer practical insights on how to serve those needs with skill.

12 - Ministering to the Bereaved
Life, here, is temporary and death is universally certain. Caring for grieving families is an essential function of ministry. The purpose of this module is to acquaint the minister with the task of clergy in the mourning process, especially as it relates to the funeral ritual. Participants should come away from this experience with a greater appreciation for the ministry to the bereaved, an understanding of the role of ceremony to bring comfort, and some practical insights to how the Holy Spirit can use the minister to meet this need.